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网页0.22μm Pore Syringe Filters for Supplier. 25mm Syringe Filter. 0.22μm Pore Syringe Filters. Syringe Filter PTFE for HPLC. Pack of 13mm and 25mm syringe filter 100 units. Non-sterile Disposable Syringe Filter. Syringe Filter with 2ml Screw Vial used in Lab. 0.45um syringe filter for perparing sample.
网页Syringe Filters, Syrfi Syringe Filters, 13MM 0.45UM PVDF The PVDF (hydrophobic) membrane is suitable for a wide variety of aqueous and organic samples. NOTE: requires
网页Mce and Nylon Syringe Filter Pore Size 0.22um 0.45um Diameter 13mm 25mm Liquid Syringe Filter, Find Details and Price about Syringe Filter 0.22 Micron Syringe Filter from Mce and Nylon Syringe Filter Pore Size 0.22um 0
网页「GHPアクロディスク・シリンジフィルター 0.45μm, 13mm (ミニスパイク仕様*出口)」。富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社は、試験研究用試薬・抗体の製造販売および各種受託サービスを行っています。先端技術の研究から、ライフサイエンス関連、有機合成用や環境測定用試薬まで、幅広い分野で多種
网页Denville Syringe Filters are easy to use. They may be used with any luer-lock syringe and are color-coded for easy recognition. The 30mm syringe filters can filter up to 100mL of sample with a retention volume of less than 100µL. The 13mm filters can filter 5 to 10mL of sample and. Related Products: Syringe Filter 0.22.
网页製品 包装 コード番号 価格(円) 13 mm GD/Xシリンジフィルター(非滅菌) 13 mm GD/Xシリンジフィルター(NYL 0.2 μm) *1 150 個 6870-1302 58,000 13 mm GD/Xシリンジフィルター(NYL 0.2 μm)
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网页33mm 0.45μm Cellulose Acetate Syringe Filter Turkey Fast 33mm, 0.45um, Mixed cellulose, ASF3313, Non-sterile, Syringe Filter, 100pc/pack All Categories Jun 13mm
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网页Filter Media Sterile Polypropylene Pore Size, μm 0.1μm, 0.22μm, 0.45μm, 0.65μm, 0.8μm, 1μm, 3μm, 5μm, 10.0μm Diameter 4mm 13mm 25mm 33mm 50mm Housing Medical PP Medical PP Medical PP Medical PP Medical PP
网页標準価格: 11,000 円〜. アズワンの【AXEL】シリンジフィルターのコーナーです。. AXELは研究開発、医療介護、生産現場、食品衛生など幅広い分野に750万点以上の品
网页Syringe Filters,PTFE Membrane 0.45μm Pore Size,13mm US $0.56 / Pack Min. Order : 18 Packs Order(1) 50ml 15ml 10ml 5ml 2ml 0.5ml 0.2ml centrifuge tube for... US $2.45 / piece Order(1) NEW 6pcs Liquid Culture Lids ...
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