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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

Acrodisc® Syringe Filters

网页4484 Nylon Acrodisc, 0.45 µm, 4 mm 250/750 4550 Nylon Acrodisc Minispike, 0.2 µm, 13 mm 100/300 4427 Nylon Acrodisc, 0.2 µm, 13 mm 100/300 4551 Nylon Acrodisc Minispike, 0.45 µm, 13 mm 100/300 4426 Nylon

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Technical Grade

网页Acrodisc® 13 mm Syringe Filter, 0.45 µm PTFE Membrane, 300/csAcrodisc® Syringe Filters with PTFE Membrane - 0.45 µm, 13mm, male slip luer outlet (100/pkg 300/cs).

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter for Syringes Material Online

网页2021年3月4日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 13mm Nylon Syringe Filter (0.45 um Pore Size, Non-sterile, 10-1000 pieces) at the best online

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

シリンジフィルター | Thermo Fisher Scientific - JP

网页シリンジフィルター. Thermo Scientific Nalgene シリンジフィルターは、研究向けの清澄化および滅菌ニーズに対応するよう製造されています。. 当社フィルターはさまざまな種類のサイズとメンブレンをご用意しており、滅菌やそれ以外のラボ用途に簡単にご使用

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

Millex Syringe Filter, Nylon, HPF, Non-sterile | SLHNM25NS

网页Description. Millex Syringe Filter, Nylon, HPF, Non-sterile. Background Information. Overview of Non-Sterile Millex® HPF Syringe Filters. • HPF Millex includes two different media: a graduated glass fiber prefilter (10.0 to 0.7 µm) to remove larger particles and an 0.20 or 0.45 µm membrane filter for fine filtration.

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

PES Syringe Filter, Pore Size:0.45μm, Diameter:13mm

网页Description:PES Syringe Filter, Pore Size:0.45μm, Diameter:13mm Price:60.00 Packaging:100(pcs) SFPES013045NI PES Syringe Filter, Pore Size:0.45μm, Diameter:13mm Diameter::4mm 100 (pcs) Add to Cart Overview

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

GD/X シリンジフィルター | 製品カタログ | Cytiva

网页25 mm GD/Xシリンジフィルター(CA 0.45 μm 滅菌済) 50 個 6901-2504 30,900 25 mm GD/Xシリンジフィルター(GMF 0.45 μm 滅菌済) *3 50 個 6902-2504

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

マイレクスシリンジフィルター | 培地調製 - ライフサイエンス

网页マイレクスシリンジフィルターは信頼性の高い少量のろ過のスタンダードです(1 mL~200 mL)。 4、13、25、33、50 mmの各直径を取り揃えています 最小ホールドアップ量によりサンプルロスを低減し、小容量の滅菌に便利で、抗生物質や培地添加剤などの溶液のろ過に

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

マイレクス(Millex)-LCR フィルター, 0.45 µm, 親水性 PTFE

网页Overview of Non-Sterile Millex® Syringe Filters with Hydrophilic PTFE. •Lowest extractables, optimizing background levels of sensitive analyses like UHPLC and LC-MS. •Filtration of protein-containing aqueous or organic solutions. •Available in 0.20 μm and 0.45 μm pore sizes and three diameters to suit your application needs.

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

マイレクス(Millex)-HVフィルター、0.45 µm、PVDF、13

网页説明. マイレクス(Millex)-HVフィルター、0.45 µm、PVDF、13 mm、非滅菌. 背景情報. Overview of Non-Sterile Millex® Syringe Filters with Durapore® (PVDF) Membrane. •Low protein binding to minimize interaction with your sample and maximize recovery. •Compatible with aqueous and mild organic solutions.

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier


网页シリンジフィルター. Millex ® シリンジフィルターは少量ろ過(1~200 mL)のスタンダードであり、サンプル前処理で比類のない一貫したろ過が可能なため、Millex®フィルターを指定する分析方法が多数開発されてきました。. Millex ® シリンジフィルターは

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

WELCH MATERIALS INC WelchromTM Sterile Syringe Filter

网页Shop WELCH MATERIALS INC WelchromTM Sterile Syringe Filter, Hydrophilic PVDF , 13mm, 0.45μm, 100pcs/pk at Fishersci.com The Fisher Scientific Encompass Program offers items which are not part of our distribution

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

GIMO Laboratory Supplies

网页Applications: General Laboratory filtration, most HPLC samples Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first to review “Nylon Syringe Filter 25mm 0.45μm” Cancel reply

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

Captiva Syringe Filters | HPLC | Aijiren

网页Syringe Filters. Captiva syringe filters offer the industry’s highest flow rates and loading capacities. Using Captiva syringe filters also significantly extends column lifetime. Choose from a variety of membrane types and pore sizes to prepare small-volume samples for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and ion chromatography.

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Laboratory 13mm 0.45μm Nylon Syringe Filter Supplier

Millex Syringe Filter, Nylon, Non-sterile | SLHNX13NL - Merck

网页Overview of Non-Sterile Millex® Syringe Filters with Nylon Membrane: • Non-sterile Millex® syringe filters with hydrophilic nylon membrane are compatible with a broad range of

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