Cellulose Acetate Sterile Syringe Filter US International supplier
Sterile Syringe Filters – shxs-filter.com
Available with 6 membrane types of MCE, PVDF, PES, MCE, Nylon, PTFE and CA. 3 diameters: 13mm, 25mm and 30mm. 3 membrane areas of 1.52c㎡,4.9c㎡ and 6.56 c㎡. 3 pore sizes: 0.1μm, 0.22μm and 0.45μm. For other pore size or diameter, can send us inquiry for OEM. Categories: Laboratory, Sterile Syringe Filters Tags: Laboratory, Sterile
Mixed Cellulose/ Cellulose Acetate filter
Jul 06, 2019 · 13mm, 0.22um, Mixed cellulose, ASF12021, Non-sterile,...