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25mm 0.45um PP Syringe Filter for Filtration Technical Grade
25mm 0.45um PP Syringe Filter for Filtration Technical Grade
Syringe filter 25mm 0.45 um | Sigma-Aldrich 网页Find syringe filter 25mm 0.45 um and related products for scientific research at MilliporeSigma Whatman ® Mixed Cellulose Ester filters white gridded, pore size 0.45 Whatman Puradisc 25 syringe filters 0.45 um, nylon, 网页General description. Puradisc syringe filters combine premium quality and economy. They are ideal for the quick, efficient filtration of samples up to 100 mL volume. Puradisc Syringe Filters – Pall Corporation 网页Syri...
25mm 0.22um PVDF Syringe Filter EXW Bengal
25mm 0.22um PVDF Syringe Filter EXW Bengal
PES Syringe Filter, iPure™ brand, 0.22µm, 25mm 33mm 0.45μm PTFE Syringe Filter Bengal EXW 网页Syringe Filter, PTFE, 0.45μm, 30mm, Sterile links. 1.888.299.9907; My Quote; My Cart BioExcell Syringe Filters, PVDF, 0.45μm, 25mm, sterile Physical Characteristics Syringe Filters 网页WMCF132210 Syringe Filter. Retail Price US$1,799.58. Todays Price US$749.82. Mixed Cellulose Syringe Filters, 13mm, 0.22um – 1000/pk. No reviews. More Info. Tell a friend. Question about the product. Save wish...
25mm 0.22um PTFE Syringe Filter Online India
25mm 0.22um PTFE Syringe Filter Online India
BM – PTFEシリンジフィルター Ф25mm 0.22um 疎水性 未滅菌 网页PTFEシリンジフィルター Ф25mm 0.22um 疎水性 未滅菌 品番 SF250-22-PTFE ブランド Biocomma 希望販売価格 ¥5,700 単位 100個(100x1Pack) 在庫 無し 材質 PTFE 販売価格 ¥5,700 ※在庫表記について ※商品の返品・交換につい て Biomed Scientific Syringe Filters PTFE 25MM Diameter 0.45um – A 100pcsbox Lab 13mm 25mm MCENylon PTFE Millipore 网页100pcs/box Lab 13mm/ 25mm MCE/Nylon/ PTFE Millipore Membrane Syringe Filter, 0.22 OR 0.45um Nee...
25mm 0.22um Nylon Syringe Filter for Sample Preparation Biotech
25mm 0.22um Nylon Syringe Filter for Sample Preparation Biotech
Syringe Filters Nylon 25 mm 0.22 um Non Sterile 25/pk by KS-Tek: Ama 25mm 0.22um PP Syringe Filter for Filtration Biotech 网页25mm 0.22um PTFE Syringe Filter Full Range of Size PTFE Syringe Filters, 0.22 um, 25mm, Double Luer Lock, PP Housing, Nonsterile, 100 per pack, SPEC16251. Regular Nylon Syringe Filters – Pall Corporation 网页Nylon syringe filters can be used for both aqueous and solvent-based sample filtration applications and show excellent chemical compatibility with esters, ...
25mm 0.22um Nylon Syringe Filter for HPLC Fit Any Lab
25mm 0.22um Nylon Syringe Filter for HPLC Fit Any Lab
Nylon Syringe Filter, 25mm, 0.22µm | 100 Pack 网页2021/09/09 · Nylon Syringe Filter, 25mm, 0.22µm | 100 Pack. Part No. A300125A. £ 65.00. Pack Size: 100. Hydrophilic surface, good solvent resistance and medium protein binding. Filtration of all aqueous samples and most organic solvents. Strong mechanical stability. Excellent chemical compatibility (esters, bases, phenol and alcohols). 0.22um 0.45um 25mm Syringe filter nylon, syringe filter for lab 网页0.22um 0.45um 25mm Syringe Filter Nylon,...
25mm 0.45um PP Syringe Filter on Sale Bengal
25mm 0.45um PP Syringe Filter on Sale Bengal
Syringe filter,Syringe Filter 网页PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.22 μm, yellow. 100 pcs per PET jar. 2.CF1102.0001. PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.22 μm, yellow. 100 pcs per PE bag. 2.CF1102.B001. PRECLEANTM 25 シリンジフィルター一覧 【AXEL】 アズワン 网页標準価格: 11,000 円〜. アズワンの【AXEL】シリンジフィルターのコーナーです。. AXELは研究開発、医療介護、生産現場、食品衛生など幅広い分野に750万点以上の品揃えでお応えする商品サイト。. 3000円以上ご注文で送料...
25mm 0.45um Nylon Syringe Filter in Stock Saudi Arabia
25mm 0.45um Nylon Syringe Filter in Stock Saudi Arabia
Syringe filters, syringe filter, filter, filtration 网页100. S25MC-022. MCE syringe filter 25mm 0.22um. 100. S25MC-045. MCE syringe filter 25mm 0.45um. 100. PTFE Syringe Filters. PTFE membrane has strong chemically resistant membranes for sampling in aggressive environments, idea 精密ろ過用シリンジフィルター(Filtration Device) | ミニザル 网页2019/10/09 · ミニザルト(Minisart). ポアサイズ毎に色分けされているシリンジフィルターです。. ルアーロック機構で確実にシリンジと接続して使用できます。...
25mm 0.45um PP Syringe Filter for Sale US
25mm 0.45um PP Syringe Filter for Sale US
25mm, 0.45um PTFE Syringe Filter, Purple Ring (100pk) 网页SKU:F25-1045. 25mm, 0.45um PTFE Syringe Filter, Purple Ring (100pk) $149.24. Add to Cart. Add to Quote. Price shown is full retail and your price will be LOWER. For actual purchase price, please SUBMIT an estimate or contact us at 1-888-299-9907 . Captivaエコノフィルタ 価格表 | アジレント・テクノロジー 网页エコノフィルタ, PP 25mm 0.2um 1000/pk 107,000 5190-5280 エコノフィルタ, PP 25mm 0.45um 1000/pk 97,000 5190-5310 プレミアムシリンジ...
25mm 0.22um PP Syringe Filter for Syringe OEM
25mm 0.22um PP Syringe Filter for Syringe OEM
LabExact® PP Syringe Filters Non-Sterile 0.22um 25mm 网页LabExact® PP Syringe Filters Non-Sterile 0.22um 25mm (Pack of 100)Disposable non-sterile polypropylene membrane filtration media ultrasonically bonded within a polypropylene syringe filter body. Features a Luer-Lok™ and pressure fitting. Filter media type is clearly inscribed on barrel. Excellent unit-to-unit and lot-to-lot reproducibility and consistency. Hydrophilic PTFE Syringe Filters 25mm Diameter 网页2019/04/23 · LabZhang 24pcs...
25mm 0.45um PVDF Syringe Filter Analysis Technical Grade
25mm 0.45um PVDF Syringe Filter Analysis Technical Grade
micro ptfe mushroom syringe filter Alibaba-HPLC Vial Inserts 网页Porex 0.22 um ptfe syringe filter for sterilization-Voa Vial Porex 0.22 um ptfe syringe filter for sterilization PTFE Syringe Filter, AQ brand, 0.22µm, 4mm housing. Advanced Qual 0.22 Micron and 0.45 Micron Pore Sizes. 25 MM シリンジフィルター、PVDF、直径13mm、孔径0.45μm 网页「シリンジフィルター、PVDF、直径13mm、孔径0.45μm」。富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社は、試験研究用試薬・抗体の製造販売および各種受託サービスを行っています。先...
25mm 0.22um PVDF Syringe Filter Full Range of Size Altmann
25mm 0.22um PVDF Syringe Filter Full Range of Size Altmann
シリンジフィルター | Corning 网页Unit Size 431212 Corning® 直径 4mm シリンジフィルター, 0.2µm孔 再生セルロースメンブレン, 滅菌済み, 50/ケース 1 / パック 50 / ケース Corning® ¥ 10,200 per case Add to cart 431215 Corning® 直径 Syringe Filters, Membrane Filters, Vials, Septa and Caps 网页MCF25-4501. 25mm 0.45um Mixed cellulose (CA-CN) Syringe filters. 100/pk. 72. PVDF Syringe Filters. Characteristics of performance. It is hydrophobic membrane. It has a broad chemical compatibility and is a low...
Chromatography 25mm 0.22um Cellulose Acetate Syringe Filter Biotechnology
Chromatography 25mm 0.22um Cellulose Acetate Syringe Filter Biotechnology
Nalgene™ Syringe Filters, Non-sterile – Thermo Fisher Scientific 网页Catalog number: 199-2020. Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ syringe filters are built to meet your lab’s clarification and sterilization needs. Our filters are available in a variety of sizes and membranes that can be easily used for both sterile and non-sterile laboratory applications. Whether your research necessitates prefiltration, sample MS® シリンジフィルター | 理化学機器(粉砕機・バイアル 网页MS® シリンジフィルター....